Many people neglect the feet and the hands when it comes to their anti-ageing treatment, but these are often the places that show our age the most. They take the brunt of all of the hard work that we do and are often exposed to the sun and the environment, which can be incredibly ageing. Loss of moisture through this ageing process can lead to loss of volume on the feet and hands which can, in turn, lead to tendons and veins being more visible. This can all be remedied by plumping out the skin on the feet and hands with our Dermal Fillers.
We often forget that concerns about the appearance of the hands or feet can be just as debilitating as the worries that people have about the facial area. For that reason, treatment can be just as important when it comes to confidence as facial treatments. Hyaluronic acid is a proven wonder substance when it comes to plumping out the skin. It is the skin’s natural moisture retainer and the immediate effects that it has on the appearance of hands and feet can boost self-esteem no end. We have 75 years’ worth of experience when it comes to delivering Dermal Filler treatment, so you can feel confident that we know what we are doing. We are incredibly careful with our injections and will always use an anaesthetic cream prior to treatment to maximise your comfort throughout the procedure. Give us a call today to discuss your requirements, we are more than happy to offer any advice you might need.