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Botox Injections Nottingham Private Clinic with Qualified Nurses

By January 18, 2022February 28th, 2022No Comments

Botox Nottingham Anti Wrinkle Injections

Are you thinking of getting anti-wrinkle injections for the first time? If so, there are a few things you should know first. While this is a safe treatment providing it’s performed by an experienced medical professional, it will ease your mind to know what to expect on the day. Read on and you’ll be prepared for everything:

FACT: Most people barely feel anything

Botox might seem like a scary concept to first-timers, but the majority of people barely feel anything at all. Those who do report a very mild sensation. It’s nothing to worry about, and the area does not need to be numbed.

FACT: You’ll have a few lumps in the treated area for a little while

Immediately following your anti-wrinkle injections, you’ll notice a few small lumps where you have been treated. These lumps quickly go down, usually, within the hour. They aren’t anything to worry about and are a natural reaction to the treatment. Be sure to stay upright for at least the next few hours after your botox treatment, and avoid any exercise to ensure optimal results and healing time.

botox nottingham derby anti wrinkle

Which aesthetic treatments are you considering? Botox, dermal filler, skin peel, 3D Lipo, IPL, laser, vaginal rejuvenation, mesotherapy, LED, radio frequency, microdermabrasion, cryotherapy and thread lift treatments at any Medskin Clinic (Nottingham, Chesterfield or Newark).

FREE consultations with one of our private nurses

Discuss your requirements and benefit from a qualified nurse offering advice at no charge.

There are many ways to book your free consultation, the most popular is the text (SMS) service on 07537 416110, you can book online or call the main clinic number on 0330 113 2640 which serves all locations.

Our experienced and time-served nurses are based in Derby, Nottingham, Beeston, West Bridgford, Chesterfield, Newark, Leicester, and Lincoln.

Botox Injections – Aftercare

It will take up to two weeks to see the full effects, so if you are booking for Christmas or a special occasion (Wedding, holiday, cruise, milestone celebration) don’t expect to see results from your anti-wrinkle injections right away.

Although you may notice a difference within the first few days, the best results will be seen after two weeks. Depending on how many units you and your practitioner have agreed on, after two weeks you’ll likely notice a significant improvement in your treated wrinkles. Those who have had their forehead treated, for example, often find that they cannot frown or raise their eyebrows as they used to. If this doesn’t sound appealing to you, you can always explain that you would still like some movement to your practitioner, and they will alter the dose for you. If, after two weeks, you’re unhappy with the movement left, most practitioners will offer a top-up appointment so you have your ideal look.

Anti-wrinkle injections are a normal part of life for so many people now – not just celebrities, and certainly not just women!

Anti Wrinkle Treatments Without Injections/Needles

It is true to say that many people have a fear of needles. However, if your skin is in need of rejuvenation then it is important to know that you do not need to let a needle phobia hold you back from enhancing the appearance of your skin. There are many cosmetic procedures that can give your skin a vital makeover without the use of needles, allowing you to look and feel fresher, younger and completely revitalised.

Microdermabrasion with 3D Skintech

3D Skintech allows the texture and the tone of the skin to be improved without the use of injections or needles. It works by delivering a combination of different treatments to enhance the appearance of the skin.

Rotational microdermabrasion can improve the appearance of fine lines, making them appear less pronounced and tightening your skin. Mesotherapy delivers the ingredients to targeted cells without the need for needles. The use of LED in the procedures helps to repair and restore skin cells that have become damaged so your skin will look plumper and younger.

Private Nurse-led Cryotherapy Freezing Therapy

Cryotherapy is the use of freezing temperatures to blitz away imperfections and ensure that your skin looks blemish-free. Procedures can take as little as five seconds and generally do not last longer than 25 seconds, meaning that they are easy and swift.

Using a CryoPen™, highly trained nurses can emit a highly pressurised jet of nitrous oxide which specifically destroys imperfections such as skin tags, age spots and warts without damaging any healthy tissue.

Facial peels – Medical Grade with Nurse Treatment

Another needle-free option is to select a medical-grade facial peel. Skin peels essentially dissolve any dead skin that is sitting on the surface of your face to allow the healthy, new skin underneath to be revealed. This gives you a glowing and young-looking complexion without needing to go under the needle to achieve it. Facial peels are great for lessening the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to achieve a younger appearance as well as for treating conditions such as acne or acne scarring on the face.

Discuss all your medical aesthetics requirements via text SMS service on 07537 416110, you can book a free consultation online or call the main clinic number on 0330 113 2640.

Botox FAQ – Will It Hurt?

One of the common things that can hold people back from getting cosmetic procedures is fear of the unknown and the assumptions that come with it. Any good aesthetic physician will ensure that all cosmetic procedures look natural and leave the client feeling like the best version of themselves. We take a look at the common assumptions around Botox and why you have nothing to fear.

I’m scared it will hurt

You may experience a very small amount of brief discomfort when the Botox is injected, but certainly not pain. A numbing solution will also be applied before the treatment starts and any discomfort you might feel will only last for a few seconds.

What if I look frozen?!

This is such a common worry, but the real issue when people develop an extreme ‘icy’ look from Botox is the physician or nurse applying too much of it. At the MedSkin clinic, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic goals with a qualified clinician and work together to get a result that is natural and right for you.

It’s too high maintenance

It may feel a big thing to incorporate into your life, but no more so than making time for a haircut or manicure. Plus, Botox has such a positive impact on fine lines and wrinkles, you’ll find you spend less time getting ready in the mornings and spend less money on lotions and creams that promise to transform your skin in a way that only Botox can.

People will think I’m vain

Taking care of yourself is different from having an attitude that suggests being self-centred and vain. A lot of people can’t actually spot when someone has had Botox, they are more likely to say they look very well or ask them what skin care they are using! In the same way as buying a dress that fits you perfectly, popping on some make up or treating yourself to a cut and colour at the hairdresser, choosing to have a cosmetic procedure is just another way to feel like the very best version of yourself.

If you want to know more about the process of starting Botox, you can book a free consultation at one of our private beauty clinics in Derby, Newark and Nottingham.

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