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Preventative Botox Injections Chesterfield and Derby

As we age, our bodies undergo a myriad of changes, and while some changes are welcome, others we’d rather avoid. Wrinkles and fine lines fall into the latter category, but thankfully, they are preventable. Enter preventative Botox, which is designed to halt wrinkles before they start to form. But what exactly is preventative Botox, and how can it help you maintain youthful-looking skin? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is Preventative Botox?

Preventative Botox is a series of injections that prevent wrinkles from becoming visible. Fine lines are often a precursor to wrinkles, and therefore preventative Botox should be done once faint lines start to appear on your face. According to research, our eyes are often the first areas to show signs of ageing, as the skin around them is 40% thinner than the rest of our face. Factors such as laughing, frowning, smiling, and crying can cause fine lines or “crows-feet” to develop at the sides of our eyes. These lines develop over time due to tiny muscle contractions that occur every time we make a facial expression.

Botox Injections by Qualified Nurses Chesterfield and Derby

If you’re looking to prevent the formation of crows-feet, Medskin Clinic offers a range of services that can help. Botox injections are one of the most popular treatments for reversing crows-feet temporarily. But what exactly does Botox entail, and how does it work? Botox works by blocking the release of acetylcholine, a chemical needed for muscle contraction. When injected into the muscle band of each eye, it prevents the lines from returning. By stopping the contraction, the creases and wrinkles temporarily disappear. The injections relax the muscles surrounding the corners of your eyes, smoothing out the skin around them, which can be especially noticeable when you laugh. This treatment helps eyes appear more youthful and typically delivers results lasting almost four months.

Preventative Botox Injections Chesterfield and Derby -Preventative Botox Myths

Contrary to popular belief, Botox will not keep you from making facial expressions or give you an “icy” expression. It merely targets the muscles around the eyes that cause crows-feet, leaving the rest of your face unaffected. The ideal candidate for preventative Botox is anyone in their late twenties and early thirties, but there is no specific age to start. If you’re unsure whether you need preventative Botox or not, it’s best to consult a doctor for advice.

What should you expect during your first treatment? After an examination, the procedure should take no longer than thirty minutes, and the injections are not painful. After the injections, it may take a few days before you see visible results since Botox is absorbed very slowly.

If you don’t like the results you get, don’t worry. The effects of Botox are temporary, and the body metabolizes the injections, meaning that the effects will be reversed in three to four months. However, if you like the results, you can get the injections again. For maximum wrinkle prevention, it’s recommended that you get Botox three to four times a year to maintain the results.

It’s important to note that preventative Botox cannot fix lines caused by sun exposure. Doctors typically target the area between your eyebrows, forehead, and the area next to the crows-feet for Botox injections. However, areas around the mouth and jawline have more risks involved, so it’s essential to get a licensed and experienced doctor to perform the injections.

Preventative Botox Injections Chesterfield and Derby

If you’re interested in Botox injections for wrinkle prevention, Medskin Clinic offers a personalised consultation to help you determine the best course of action for your skin. Book your free consultation today and discover how preventative Botox can help you maintain youthful-looking skin.


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