Skin Tag Removal Nottingham
Skin Tag Removal Nottingham – Medskin clinic offer Skin tag Removal, Nurse Led Treatment fully insured.
What Are Skin Tags
Skin tags are found on the skin and are unusually harmless, small benign growths which sometimes can resemble a wart. Many skin tags are attached to the skin with a small stalk, Skin Tags vary in size but are usually found on the eyelids, armpits, neck, groin folds, under breasts and on the neck.
Our Team of experts are happy to help, simply call or text our Skin tag removal Nottingham Team where we are happy to help with any questions.
Why am i getting skin tags as i get older
We tend to find that we get more skin tags after the age of 50 and women are more prone to them than men.
Why do I have skin tags?
No one is really sure why some people have skin tags more than others or why they are formed however its believed they happen when clusters of collagen and blood vessels become trapped inside thicker pieces of skin as they are common in areas where skin rubs
against the skin, an ideal example of this is in the armpits
Skin tags are not contagious like warts nor will they grow back if you have them removed.
Can I get my skin tag removed?
Skin tags can be annoying or you may feel that they appear unpleasant to look at.
If this is the case, at Medskin Clinic, our Skin Tag removal Nottingham team will remove them with cryotherapy (freezing) as we find this to be the best option for our clients.
However they can also be removed by cutting or burning them
What will happen if I choose to have cryotherapy to remove my skin tag?
Medskin Clinic, you will be assessed by one of our nurses, and if suitable to remove, the nurse will use a pen like device which has N2O (nitrous oxide) canister in. This N2O is what will freeze the skin tag. The nurse will direct the tip of the device towards the stalk of the skin tag and direct the flow of N2O to this area.
A few applications may be needed depending on the size of the skin tag, after a while the
skin tag will usually go a darker shade of colour and feel crusty to the touch, a few days later the tag will fall off. On very large skin tags a second treatment may be needed.
The process is relatively painless similar to having a ball point pen pushed into the skin, some clients may feel a mild stinging sensation after the treatment.
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